Victoria Abril La Hora Bruja
Maybe she just wanted to put the whole “I sucked my only Son’s dick and swallowed his spunk” episode behind her and move on. It was getting late when I happened to see a young blonde sit up at the bar.I wouldn’t say she was fat but chunky, her big tits stretched the fabric of her blouse.She had long blonde hair,that was nicely curled and a nice smile .It wasn’t until she turned and looked my way that I recognized her. With that Lynne dropped to her knees and started licking and caressing my balls.She was Celebrities taking her time licking and sucking my cock,turning and smiling towards Lucy.I was watching at Lynne working my cock then back to Lucy fingering her self . Finally Lucy instructed Lynne to come over and lick her pussy,spreading her legs wide. If it lands on dare you pick a dare card, but before turning it over, you roll the dice. When he withdrew his head from my cunt, I could see his lips and chin were covered with my honey and he was eagerly wiping the cream with his tongue.
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Time: 06:12
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